Holiday Messages

New Years 2017: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
A Focus for Any New Year: As we begin 2017, it is appropriate to remind ourselves of where we stand in history, and what we should be doing with that knowledge. This message will inspire you to examine your role in God's Kingdom in the coming year.
Christmas 2016: Matthew 1:18-25
Messiah's Birth: Illustrating The Cost of Faith - When the angel told Mary about God's gift to the world, Mary and Joseph's lives were turned upside down. When God moves, he searches out committed people to move through. Are you one?
Easter 2016: Acts 3:1-21
Releasing Life In Jesus' Name: The resurrection of the dead demonstrates that there is life in Jesus' name. Because Peter and John knew this, they were able to step into supernatural authority. When we understand this, we also can step into such authority.
Christmas II 2015: Micah 5:2-9
The Impact of Messiah's Kingdom: Micah's prophecy of Messiah's eternal roots, and his role as Israel is gathered back to the land, will encourage and equip believers who see Micah's prophecy unfolding today.
Christmas 2015: Isaiah 9:6-7
An Ever-Increasing Messianic Kingdom: This Christmas message highlights the increasing role Messiah's Kingdom would play in the world when he came. It challenges us to look at the world in a different way than we are oft accustomed.
Easter 2015: Mark 16:1-14
Overwhelming Evidence versus Underwhelming Stubbornness: One of the greatest victories in all of history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ, was met with a stubborn refusal to believe by those closest to him. Not much has changed. In many ways we can be as stubborn as the disciples when Jesus invites us to believe for the impossible.
Christmas 2014: Isaiah 7:1-16
Geopolitics and God's Promises: One of the key signs of Messiah was his virgin birth. This prophecy was delivered in the midst of geopolitical intrigue as empires maneuvered around the Kingdom of Judah. This message highlights this important prophecy, and the means that God conveyed it to us. It also reminds us that when the world shakes, we can still trust God's promises.
Easter 2014: Matthew 28:1-20
Living Like He's Alive: The resurrection account in Matthew is about mission and focus. While it is not often presented in this way, the entire chapter is a challenge to live the resurrection life, to live like he is alive. Come meet him in Galilee for your marching orders. (Video Credit: Eagle Brook
Christmas 2013: Luke 2:8-20
Responding to the Greatest Gift: The Christmas story reminds us that those who first discovered God's gift, responded. In the same way, when we discover his great gifts to us, we respond.
Easter 2013: Luke 24:1-12, 36-48
The Power to Open Minds: The Resurrection released power. That resurrection power is available to break through our traditions and limitations, and to open our minds to God's miraculous possibilities. Opening Video Credit: Gracepoint, Berkeley (
Christmas 2012: Luke 2:1-14
No Christmas Without Christ: While many want to make Christmas a secular holiday, there can be no Christmas without Christ. The angels who announced the good news to the shepherds also shared the reason that Christ must remain in Christmas.
Easter 2012: The Candle Still Burns
The Candle Still Burns: Jesus is the light of the world. His resurrection released his light into the Church so that his light still shines today.
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