Messages from the Book of Mark

Messages from the book of Mark
Building the Kingdom Relationally: It is a modern axiom that when the crowds start coming, you do what you can to keep them coming. Jesus did exactly the opposite. He shows us that true impact starts with your core group.
A Kingdom Principle: The Priority of People — While a religious mindset can make us legalistic to the point of coldness of heart, Jesus points out that the law is about true relationship. It starts with love for the Lord, and will always prioritize the needs of people.
Developing a Kingdom Worldview: In this section of Mark, Jesus answers questions about his practices that demonstrate a different worldview that does not include a religious mindset. His answers will help us step out of the restrains of a limited understanding of Kingdom so that we can be the new wine skins of the Kingdom.
Healing in the Kingdom: In this important story, we learn that those who exercise the power of the Kingdom have an important tool at their disposal, the power to cleanse the conscience. Learn how to wield this authority to free people from their past.
The Severity of the Kingdom: Those who are willing to violently fight their own inertia and lethargy are the ones who are taking the Kingdom. In these verses Jesus shows us why this resolve is absolutely necessary for those who wish to participate in the Kingdom.
When the Kingdom Comes: Jesus announced that the Kingdom was upon those who heard him, and then he demonstrated the Kingdom. He demonstrated it first, by calling a team to carry on the work, second, by freeing those oppressed by demons, and third, by healing the sick. The Kingdom continues to grow in just these ways today.
Launching the Kingdom: The Kingdom mandate pervades the book of Mark. The shortest Gospel is packed with insight for the Kingdom minded. Come along on this study and learn as we see Jesus launch the Kingdom.
Defending a Generous Spirit: When God's Spirit is moving, God's people are generous. Unfortunately, even those closest to us (and to the Lord) can discourage a generous spirit. In this scripture, Jesus reveals his heart for a generous spirit.
Growing in Miracles: Jesus clearly taught his disciples that those who followed him would do incredible miracles. There is a path to growing in the miraculous. This message illuminates that path.
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