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Messages from the book of Luke

Messages from the Book of Luke
Responding Correctly to the Signs of the Times: In this part of Jesus' teaching, he teaches that we are responsible to correctly interpret the signs of the times in which we are living, and to act accordingly. He also highlights that when we are ready, and we do follow him, we can expect pushback.
Financial Readiness in the Kingdom: In his concluding comments on fighting greed and keeping the Kingdom first, Jesus turns to how the he intends church leaders (disciples) to use their finances. His words will startle those who have never seen his teaching on readiness in the context of our use of money.
Living Above Financial Fear: When Jesus was interrupted by a man worried about his inheritance, he first warned about Greed and leaving God out of our financial plans. In this continuation of that teaching, Jesus explains why we can live worry free, and the path to having the financial provision issues in our life met by our God.
Keeping the Kingdom First: While it is clear that Jesus did not see any incompatibility between having wealth and being faithful to God, it is also clear that he did see the temptations of wealth as a major impediment to Kingdom life. In this passage he highlights how God responds to those who ignores His Kingdom when they are in financial deliberations. His response to such people teaches us a sobering lesson about the importance of Keeping His Kingdom first in our lives.
Preparing for Difficult Times: Jesus takes times with his disciples to remind them how his people will act during times of stress and persecution. His words still instruct us today, especially when we are tempted to remain silent.
Avoiding the Sins of the Religious: In this pivotal scripture, Jesus begins to expose the sins of those who have religion with no relationship. We must take note of his message, so we do not fall into the same types of traps.
Living as a Source of Light: Humanity has a greed problem. This can result in deadly envy, and rampant jealousy. Jesus confronts this problem, and helps us understand its severity as he confronts how the religious leaders of his day fanned this greed problem into flames. We can be free of this malady. Jesus helps us see how.
When Opinion Trumps the Holy Spirit: In spite of the fact that Jesus demonstrated that he was Messiah, the opinions of the religious leaders trumped the evidence. In the same way, our religious opinions can trump current moves of the Holy Spirit. Jesus' teaching helps us avoid this trap.
Understanding Kingdom Prayer: While the disciples walked in authority, they lacked an understanding of power in prayer. This failing had cost them when they could not cast out a demon on the mount of transfiguration. They wanted to know about true prayer. As Jesus answers their question, we learn about how to prayer, and the attitude and expectation we can have in prayer.
A Disciple's Portion: While many things can distract us from our main purpose, Jesus highlights the importance of sitting at his feet, not only for Mary and Martha, but for all who follow him.
Demonstrating Love in a Loveless Culture: Jesus confronted his culture about how little they loved their neighbors. In like fashion, we are reminded of our tendency to reject those who are different than us, rather than treat them as neighbors.
Kingdom Privilege: Jesus has outlined the type of sacrifice needed to enter the Kingdom, now he reveals the privilege his Kingdom people enjoy.
The Kingdom Advances in the Midst of Wolves: No one could accuse Jesus of hiding truth. When he sent the seventy-two out, he warned them of the issues they would confront, and the opposition they would face. In much the same way, he is still warning us today. This message highlights how we can overcome the wolves to live Kingdom lives.
Growing in Christian Commitment: While Jesus' disciples continue to struggle with the new path that Jesus has set before them, Jesus makes the terms of Kingdom commitment crystal clear to three separate individuals who are already following Jesus, or want to follow Jesus. As he does this, he challenges us to look more closely at our own commitment, and whether we desire to step into Kingdom, or simply live according to our own agenda. There is no doubt which path we must choose to take.
When You Are Part of a Confused Generation: We live in a generation that doesn't understand faith. So did Jesus. His heartfelt response to such lack of faith reminds us not only to live above our generation's lack of faith, but to believe for Jesus' glory.
Seeing Jesus: After teaching the disciples that they must die to their self-will to step into the Kingdom of God, Jesus takes them up on a mountain to reveal himself. As he does, he reveals a great deal to his disciples about God's Kingdom plans. He also reveals a great deal to us about the times in which we live.
Activating the Keys of the Kingdom: In this teaching to his disciples, Jesus explains how to activate the Keys of Kingdom authority, and the importance of doing so as we serve him. His methods are not our methods, but his actually release power and glory.
Training Disciples in Kingdom: Jesus demonstrates his training method with his disciples. He equips them for ministry, sends them out to walk in power, and then provides a test opportunity. As we watch Jesus' method, we learn much about how he trains us.
Overcoming Choking Concerns: In this section of Luke, the author illustrates how to press through concerns that choke off our ability to bear abundant fruit. He does so as he highlights two people who pressed through their suffocating concerns to bear abundant fruit.
Scattering Seeds of Power: While teaching on the power of Kingdom seed, Jesus scatters seed in the most unexpected area, and releases a missionary to the Gentiles of the Decapolis.
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