Messages from the book of John

Embracing the Son of Man: Those governed by a religious spirit were unable to accept Jesus. They were unable to handle his actions, and they certainly could not understand his identity. Jesus clearly invites us to embrace him as the Son of Man, and at the same time invites us to receive his power that releases life within each of us.
Our Desperate Need for Revival: The story of the healing at the pool of Bethesda is portrayed with rose-colored glasses in Sunday School. In reality, it is a bleak reminder of human depravity, and of our absolutely desperate need of revived character. When you understand the true nature of this story, it will graft you to Jesus in a new way.
Loving the Truth: Jesus often confronted people who loved miracles more than truth. The problem with loving miracles, or the anointing, more than truth, is that we set ourselves up for deception. This message is designed to help us become deception-resistant.
The Kingdom Diet: When we begin truly to do the Father's will, and sense his pleasure, that is better than food. Jesus teaches his disciples this point, and challenges us to deeper connection with the Father in this study from John.
The Power of Hope: The Lord is opening up fountains of hope. These verses of John's gospel remind us how he releases those fountains in those who are his so that they well up to eternal life.
Certifying Jesus' Teaching: When John the Baptist's disciples felt insecure about Jesus' ministry, John moved quickly to identify with Jesus and his teaching. This message captures the Baptist's farewell message, and models his absolute understanding of his calling and purpose. When we understand our calling and purpose as John did, we are protected from insecurity and jealousy, and are able to confidently fulfill our calling.
Signs of Eternal Life: In this well-known passage, Jesus explains eternal life to Nicodemus. As he does, he shares key truths that demonstrate God's love, and our response to that love.
Changing Worldviews: When Nicodemus comes to Jesus, Jesus teaches him about the importance of changing his worldview in order to understand the Kingdom. We must do the same thing. This message helps us understand how to do so.
Jesus as He Really Is: There are many different views of who Jesus was, his personality and presence. In this passage, Jesus reveals many things about who he really is. What he reveals may surprise you.
Doing the Father's Business: When Jesus changed water into wine, he was doing the Father's business. When we expect him to move on our behalf, we too are doing the Father's business, and stepping into faith.
Building Kingdom Relationships: When God wants to build his Kingdom, he builds through relationship. This study in John highlights the importance of those first relationships that Jesus built, and reminds us of the many important relationships we must continue to build.
Getting Your Testimony Right:John the Baptist freely confessed what he was not, and what he was. This extremely important act of humility set the stage for John to point to the Lamb who takes away the sin of the world.
Revealing Glory: In this first chapter of John's Book, he highlights important themes he will develop throughout the book. Last week we learned about Life, and Light. Today we begin to understand Glory, and we see that it is handed from the Father, to the Son, to Jesus' followers. How is God's glory revealed in your life? Find out as you walk through John with us.
Reflecting the Life: The book of John is about growing in the Life and Light of Jesus Christ. John set the stage for these themes in the first verses. These verses set the stage for transformation so that Jesus' life becomes more fully our life.
Picking a Fight with Religion: When Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda, he consciously picked a fight with the legalists of his day. He is still doing the same thing today.
Lift Up Your Eyes: Jesus reminds us that when we lift up our eyes, that is, when we see from a heavenly perspective, we will quickly see the people around us in a different light. We will truly be able to bring light at appropriate times.
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