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Messages from the Old Testament

Prevailing with God: Jesus once asked if there would be faith on the earth at his return. He tied the idea of faith to persistent prayer. As we study this particular event in Jacob's life, when he wrestled in prayer with the Angel of the Lord, we will learn about persistent prayer, and how he used it to prevail with God.
When Children Play with Fire: God is our Father. When we, as his children, listen to him and follow his plans, things work out in our lives a lot better than when we don't. If we actively plan to disobey, and to oppose his plans, we are playing with fire. Psalm 2 states that in a very explicit way that speaks to the leaders of this world even today.
Living Above a Shaking World: When the culture shakes, how do you survive? How do you thrive? This message reveals how God provides for his people, even when the world shakes.
Expecting a King Who Rights Wrongs: Who would the Messiah be? What might he do when he arrives? These questions, among others, are ones Isaiah answers for his readers, and they still give us incredible insight into the role Jesus fills today.
The Promise of His Coming Stands: In this familiar passage of Isaiah, we are reminded that just as the promise of Jesus' first coming was fulfilled, so also he will come again. His promise stands.
God's Promises Overcome All Obstacles: When God makes a promise, we can count on it. When God gave Ahaz a promise that his Kingdom would not fall to his enemies, Ahaz wavered. When God invited him to ask a sign, Ahaz demonstrated his hypocrisy by refusing to do so, and the Lord responded with the prophecy that a virgin would conceive. God also makes it clear that when we refuse to believe his promises, and make bad alliances, we will pay the price.
God's Plan to Stop Sexual Harassment: We live in a day and age in which claims of sexual harassment are rampant. For those who understand the book of Genesis, this perversion of the Creation was predicted by God as he explained the consequences of the fall. The good news, is that God also made provision to reverse this sexual harassment curse. This is part one of a two part message on how we live above the messy effects of the fall into sin.
Holding Fast to Your Mountain: Whenever you experience supernatural breakthrough, you have a choice. You can forget about it as time goes on, or you can hold fast to it, realizing that you now walk in the grace that brought the breakthrough. Elijah's life demonstrates which choice we need to make.
Activating Kingdom Power: The story of Elijah prophesies to the Church today about how to activate the spiritual authority that the Lord has given to us. It is critical that we learn the lessons that the Lord is teaching us through Elijah's life.
Worshiping God on His Terms: We can learn from Israel's negative example that worshiping God on our terms doesn't work. When we withhold obedience, or add our own ideas, we are worshiping on our terms, and are in danger of raising up our own golden calf.
Holding On To Your Calling: Elijah was an incredible prophet, yet he was tempted to resign his calling when things didn't go the way he desired. When things do not go our way, we also can be tempted to resign our callings. Learn from Elijah's example, and avoid this common pitfall.
An Elijah Time: We are living in a time in history that resembles the type of turning away from the true God that Elijah experienced. As he was called to demonstrate who the true God was in his day, so we are called to do the same thing today. This message will remind us how.
The One Flesh Relationship: While the United States Supreme Court can define relational contracts, and can also call them whatever the justices decide, the relationship between a believing man and a believing woman is unique. This study explains why.
One Eleven Time: God purposes to use his Church to bless the world. In order to do this, he must fulfill all his promises to his Church. That is what one eleven time is about. It is time to see God's promises released.
Rejecting the Cobra Influence—Speaking Well of People: The Lord desires unity in his Body. Satan's desires to divide the Body of Christ. Randy exposes Satan's plan to divide, and shows how we can thwart it.
Guard Your Heart: If we contaminate our heart, it will contaminate us and everyone around us. In this era of tainted television, internet sludge, and fearful reports, we must heed these words.
All Flesh is Grass: There is a strong seductive spirit that has ruled over young minds in Western culture. This prophetic message is intended to break the yoke of that seduction.
The Next Wave: A prophetic message on the next wave of the Holy Spirit, and how we can position ourselves to be a part of it.
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