Messages from the Book of Matthew

The King Makes His Appearance: As Jesus prepares to enter Jerusalem, he arranges events to make it clear that he is King Messiah. His followers did not fully understand the events of that day, but as we look back on it we marvel at the revelation of Jesus as Messiah.
Unleashing the Power of God: The path to Kingdom power lies not in amassing followers or credibility; it is found in faith. As we see Bartimaeus and a companion exercise their faith, we learn how such faith can also rescue us.
Learning Kingdom Dynamics: When James, John, and their mother approached Jesus seeking special positions in his Kingdom, Jesus took the opportunity to teach all of his disciples about the true nature of Kingdom dynamics. While they were looking for places of prestige, Jesus portrays the path to true leadership is on a different path.
Receiving the Kingdom as a Child, Part 2: The essence of receiving the Kingdom is found in a Child's trust. A child trusts his parents to care for him, without fretting whether they are able to do so, or whether they are equipped to do so. They simply trust. When Peter points out that the disciples have trusted Jesus, Jesus makes certain that Peter understands their privileged role, and how the Father will bless them. At the same time, he shares a parable that explains that it is the nature of the Kingdom that we trust him, rather than attempt to hold him to a real or implied contract. When we attempt to hold God to a contract, it demonstrates something in us that does not trust as a child would.
Receiving the Kingdom as a Child, Part One: Through teaching and example, Matthew highlights an important Kingdom teaching about child-like faith. Jesus first explains that the Kingdom consists of those who receive its truth like little children, and then we see an example of someone who could not receive it like a little child. This opens up the meaning of the Kingdom in a new way for those who are seeking it.
Keeping the Marriage Covenant: While we often decry the lax state of marital commitment in our era, if anything, the spiritual leaders of Jesus' day had an even worse record than our culture does today. Many of the spiritual leaders of Jesus' day viewed the marriage vows as something that could easily be set aside with no consequence. In this section of Matthew 19, Jesus corrects their faulty understanding of marital commitments, and helps us understand why marriage is a covenant that is intended to be a lifelong covenant.
Restoring Straying Sheep: Jesus has come to seek and to save the little ones that are lost. How does this work out in the church? Jesus shares key truths about how we follow in his footsteps seeking and saving those who stray. He even gives us special authority so that we might retrieve as many as are possible. At the same time, he demonstrates our obligation to forgive those who are restored by showing the awful consequences when we do not.
A Lesson in Greatness: When the disciples begin to debate who will be their leader when Jesus is gone, Jesus tells them that it won't be any of them, unless they change. He reminds them that you can't access God's Kingdom without this change. He is still calling for the same change in us. Kingdom power is only wielded by those with a Kingdom mindset. We will be reminded of that again today, as we listen to Jesus lesson in greatness.
Meeting the Challenges of Faith: Matthew strings together a series of stories with a simple theme, there are challenges that we must meet every day, but they can be overcome through faith. This is a Kingdom message that we must never forget.
Being Transformed: Letting What is On the Inside Out — "And Jesus was transfigured in front of them." Jesus revealed his glory to some of his disciples, not only so that they might see him as he truly is, but so that they might better understand his purpose. He once again highlights the true path of releasing spiritual power, and reveals end time truths for our day.
The Path of Spiritual Power: After Peter's strong declaration of Jesus as Messiah, he demonstrates he has no understanding of the Messiah's path or purpose. This is a fundamental misunderstanding built into human nature. We all carry it. This message will identify this misunderstanding, and help us correct it so that we can step into the spiritual power that Jesus wants to release on this earth.
The Promise of Kingdom Authority: While Jesus is spending time with his disciples, he asks them a key question to test their understanding. Peter's answer reveals a simple Kingdom truth, revelation precedes authority. Jesus reveals the type of authority he intends for his church to have, teaches us how to use it, and invites us to step into the place of dying to our own desires to unleash that authority.
Seeing With the Eyes of Faith and Understanding: Jesus challenged those who heard what he said, and saw what he did, to draw the correct conclusions about what he said and what he did. Too often they did not display understanding, to their own detriment. In this message, Jesus deals with two groups who did not understand, and shows us a great deal about why we need to understand what his words and miracles mean for our lives.
Communing with Gentiles: Although Jesus was sent primarily to the Jewish people in his first advent, he also spent a significant amount of time ministering to the Gentile communities in and around Israel. This fact reminds us that we must also focus on those outside our immediate relationships, and even beyond the four walls of our churches. Let's follow Jesus as he teaches us about ministering his life to those beyond our normal circles.
Matthew 14:34-36 & 15:1-20
Majoring on the Minors: A Hypocrite's Manifesto —— While most people who lived while Jesus walked the earth were amazed by his miracles and incredible compassion that changed people's lives, some focused more narrowly on things that annoyed them. While Jesus demonstrated God's Kingdom, those who were caught up in minutiae demonstrated their own kingdom. We are always in danger of repeating this ame awful mistake. Today's teaching will help us avoid this trap.
Responding to the Miracles in our Lives: Whenever we experience a miracle, we are under obligation. The obligation is to believe for the next miracle need that confronts us. This key is vital for growing in our ability to live the abundant life. Jesus teaches this truth to his disciples through the feeding of the 5,000, and through Peter's walk on the water. We will learn from him today how to respond to the miracles in our lives.
Stepping Into Greater Works: Though the feeding of the Five Thousand is a familiar story, the important reason that it is included in all four gospels is not well known. As you listen to this message, you will take a step behind the scenes and realize that Jesus is challenging all of his disciples to do the greater works of which he spoke in John 14.
Forerunners: Their Power and Peril — When God moves in history, he sends forerunners to prepare his way. That is no less true now than it was in the days of John the Baptizer. This study highlights the amazing privilege that those who are used as forerunners have, but also the peril in which they may find themselves on occasion.
How the Kingdom Takes Over: The Kingdom of Jesus will fill the whole earth before the end comes. Jesus shares a parable that gives us insight to how this will happen, and how we must respond as a result.
Matthew 13:31-35, 44-46
Kingdom Power, Kingdom Value: In the parables that Jesus shares for our study today, we learn about the power of the Kingdom to supplant everything, and how one enters the Kingdom. We don't get in by accident. We get in by paying whatever personal price is necessary to step into God's Kingdom and power.
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