Messages from the Book of Matthew

The Negative Impact of Condemning Others: Jesus clearly teaches his Kingdom people that condemning others unfairly has majore consequences, and not condemning others unfairly has major benefits. As he teaches his followers this basic truth, he reminds us that Satan is watching for Kingdom people to condemn others so that he might release his spiritual pigs and dogs to harm them.
Never Worry Again: In his penetrating exposition on human nature in Matthew 6, Jesus lays down the reasons that we do not have to every worry again. If we follow his prescription, we not only will say good-bye to worry, but we will step into a far more satisfying life.
Praying the Lord's Pattern: As Jesus was teaching his disciples about prayer, he gives them what we now call the Lord's Prayer. This prayer is a model prayer for Christians of all time, and a pattern for how to approach our Father in heaven appropriately.
How to Avoid Shining Your Light in the Wrong Direction: Early in the sermon on the mount, Jesus had commanded his followers to let their light shine. Now he gives specific direction on how people can shine incorrectly. This is a timely reminder of how we can let our light shine in a way that brings glory to God.
Beginning to Look Like Father: As Jesus continues to explain the radical nature of the Kingdom, he begins to point us to the reason; he wants us to look like the Father.
Exceeding the Righteousness of the Legalists: Three areas that the legalists of Jesus' day claimed to be pure, but were far from it, were the area of adultery, divorce, and oath keeping. Jesus reveals the heart of the law, so that his followers would understand that what goes on inside of us is as important as what happens on the outside. His teaching points us to grace, which is the only way to live in the righteousness that far surpasses any legalist.
Living Between Legalism and Licentiousness: Just like today, there were those who lived in Jesus' day who were legalists, and those who were licentious. Jesus clearly points out the true nature of law so that his people can navigate between legalism and licentiousness. In that way, his people will demonstrate the light of the Kingdom to everyone around.
Characteristics of Kingdom People: Pressing Through When Opposed — Jesus has presented eight characteristics of kingdom people in the first 10 verses of Matthew 5. Now he develops a basic truth about discipleship; his disciples will be opposed, and his disciples will press through that opposition. These are timeless truths that are vital for the age in which we live.
Characteristics of Kingdom People: In this beginning study on the Sermon on the Mount, we see that Jesus describes special characteristics that his Kingdom people model. As we see his criteria for his Kingdom people, we can be confident he is showing us the path forward into the Kingdom.
The Light Dawns in Galilee: As Jesus begins his formal ministry in Galilee, his light so fills the area that entire regions are drawn to him. In the same way, as his presence draws near in our age, and his Kingdom comes, whole regions will once again be drawn to him. This truth helps us understand our role in the days in which we live.
The Path to God's Purpose in Life: When God inaugurates his people into new paths and purposes, it can be incredibly exciting as we contemplate the new things that God intends to accomplish through us. However, unless we understand God's ways, we could be in for rough roads. As we study Jesus' inauguration into his ministry at his baptism, we are reminded of God's ways, and fortified for our own experiences as we walk the path that the Son of God has ordained for us.
The Kingdom Draws Near: John the Baptizer had a singular message for his time. That word was repent, and the reason was that the Kingdom had drawn near. While this message will help us understand why this was important in John's day, it will help us understand even more in our day.
Following Divine Direction: The supernatural communication around the birth of Jesus reminds us of the many ways that the Lord can communicate with his people. It is also important to note, that when he communicated to Mary, Joseph, and the Magi, they followed the divine direction, and were spared much heartache and pain as a result. This truth will help us in our pursuit of God's voice in our own lives.
God Meets the Hungry: When Jesus was born in Bethlehem, few people were looking for him. However, the Lord had revealed his birth to some hungry people who traveled a long way to investigate the matter. But for those who lived in Jerusalem, only 5 miles away from Bethlehem, it was too distant to bother with. As Matthew reveals this indifference, we can't help but see that God meets those who hunger for him. That is good news for those who are hungry for him today.
When the Lord Requires Your Reputation: As Matthew records his brief record of Jesus' birth, he chooses to highlight the cost to Joseph and Mary, and the sacrifice they were being asked to make. In a very real way, God's plans unfold as people decide that his purposes are worthy every sacrifice. For Joseph and Mary, it was their reputations. No one from Nazareth would ever look at them as a righteous couple again. Their choice of obedience marked them. From that point on they were the couple who had violated the law of Moses, and brought shame on their community, and their families. This is a price they gladly paid to carry out God's purposes on the earth. May we be so willing when God calls us to such sacrifices.
God Works Through Fallen People: As we start the book of Matthew, it is important to note how the apostle Matthew starts the book; with a list of sinful people. It is clear that Matthew is highlighting some very unsavory things in Jesus' family line. He does this, to emphasize once again that Jesus works through sinful people, people like us.
The Call to Repentance: John the Baptist stood between two ages, just as we do today. Whenever such a transition is upon us, the call to repentance takes on even more meaning. This study will help us be prepared for the transitions that are upon us.
The Removing of Shakeable Things: Jesus spoke clearly of the days in which we live. He reminded us in many ways to build on the rock of his truth so that we would not be shaken. This message highlights the era in which we live, and how to remain on unshaken.
Understanding Our Kingdom Role: In the series of warnings about watchfulness in Matthew 25, Jesus gives a clear outline of the absolute need to be watchful, the consequences of not being watchful, and his plan to exalt the actions of his people on the last day. This study reveals the importance of the Kingdom role his people play.
Making the Most of our Opportunities: While the apostle Paul taught us that all Christians must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, it is this parable that tells us, at least in part, the criterion that Jesus will use as he pronounces judgment. This issue is not saving faith, since all Christians are saved, but rather how we responded to Christ's love in our lives.
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