Messages from the book of John

The Gospel of John Mark (Chris Reed, Guest Speaker)
The Gospel of John Mark: Chris Reed explores the good news of second chances through John Mark's failures and restoration.
Dealing with Darkness: As Jesus prepares to share his heart with his disciples, he deals with the darkness in the room. His methods highlight God's mercy and his justice, two key aspects of God's love and presence that we most certainly need today.
Stepping into Power: Jesus had told the disciples that the one who wanted to be great, must be servant of all. As Jesus begins his last supper with his disciples, he demonstrated to them exactly what he meant. His path to power was through service. That is the same path he has called all of us to walk.
Seizing Opportunity: In this section of the book of John, Jesus calls on the people around him to make a decision while he is still walking with him. Many of those around him stumbled over Jesus' prediction that he would be executed. However, those with ears to hear were able to listen and understand, and put their faith in him.
Stepping Into True Glory: As Jesus suffering and death draw close, Jesus begins to pull back the disciple's veil of misunderstanding about what glory means. As he discusses the path to true greatness, dying to self-will, he calls on his disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow him. That is still the call we receive today.
Letting Faith Move You: Faith often moves God's people to amazing acts of courage and generosity. This story shows us the Lord's response to such acts, and reminds us that he is worth all that we can give.
When You Do Not Believe the Impossible: When you believe the impossible, impossible things happen. When you don't believe, not only does it hinder God's ability to move in your live, it also often unleashed the most awful of afflicitons: Expediency. Watch this message to avoid this most awful of diseases among those who claim faith.
When You Believe the Impossible: When you believe the impossible, impossible things happen. Martha clearly stated that she believe, and Jesus does the impossible for her, for those who are with her, and for all his people of all time.
Walking in Life: This chapter is a high point in the discussion of what life really means in the book of John. It challenges us to truly believe what Jesus states about life, rather than what our traditions dictate about it. His words ring down the centuries to us today, "Everyone who is living and believes in me, will never die forever."
Participating in the Divine Nature: While Jesus is the unique Son of God, true God and true man, those who follow him, through his Holy Spirit, are also sons and daughters of the Most High. When we walk with the Holy Spirit, we are participating in God's divine plans for this world. This is a humbling truth, developed in this message.
Seeing Our Good Shepherd: Jesus is our Good Shepherd. As he explains to those around what this means, we learn how he is still our good shepherd, and how he works through his undershepherds even today.
Opening the Eyes of the Blind: After Jesus healed a man who was born physically blind, those who were spiritually blind attempted to do damage control. Instead of celebrating the miraculous healing, they focused on their own interpretations of the Law to conclude that Jesus was a sinner. Even the man who had been healed, and was not formally trained in theology, could see that they were contradicting everything they stood for. Of course, this type of stubborn spiritual blindness continues today whenever we twist the Word of God to fit our own preconceived ideas. This message will help us if we confront such tendencies, so that we do not continue in any spiritual blindness in which we yet may walk.
"I Am" -- Demonstrating the Love of God: While we often get involved in debates about the reason something happened, Jesus did something about it. While we often focus on the minor things, Jesus released grace in major ways. This study will highlight how Jesus released God's love to a blind man, and how those who are motivated by small things responded.
Believing for the Big Things: The Book of John is about life. Jesus is the life of the world. It is the book where Jesus defines what life is. It is also the book where unbelief and tradition undercut Jesus' words at a very high level. Check your belief according to this message. Are you believing for the big things?
The Light Reveals Himself: At the end of the Feast of Tabernacles, Jesus identifies himself as the Light of the world. In so doing, he helps all his followers know that they will never stumble around in the dark as long as he is their light. When we walk in his light, we see both Jesus and the Father manifested in front of us, leading forward in each stage of our lives.
Abundant Grace: Rescuing an Adulteress: While the spiritual leaders of Jesus day played politics with the lives of others, Jesus demonstrates that he is the good shepherd who is attempting to rescue the sheep. This difference is highlighted in the account of the woman caught in adultery. See Messiah's heart on display, as he responds to this serious situation in the life of a straying sheep.
Do You Really Believe Jesus? Part 2: The last enemy to be overcome is death, according to the apostle Paul in 1 Corinthians 15. This study shows the path of this enemy's defeat, and how God's people can help "speed his coming."
Do You Really Believe Jesus? Jesus said many things that are very difficult for us to accept. Because of this, we often mediate what he said through a modern mindset, rather than taking his words at face value. This study examines some startling things that Jesus said while Lazarus was yet in the tomb, and wrestles with what they mean for us today.
Restoring Vision (Part 2): The disciples had failed Jesus. They knew it and Jesus knew it. But Jesus restores. In this message, we see Jesus restoring Peter to his calling, and challenging all of us to break out of old mindsets and reach higher.
Restoring Vision (Part 1): In spite of the Resurrection, the disciples had lost at least some of their vision. Jesus began to restore their vision, and to restore their hope. He still does this for us today.
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