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Messages from the book of John

When You Do Not Believe the Impossible: The religious leaders around Jesus demonstrated that when you do not believe the impossible, you open the door to immoral expediency. The path of faith is clear. The path away from faith is also clear.
When You Believe the Impossible: Mary's resounding statement of faith in Jesus as God's Son is met by Jesus raising her brother from the dead. Impossible things happen when you believe.
Believing the Impossible: When Christians refuse to believe the clear statements of Jesus about overcoming death, we demonstrate that we believe our experience more than we believe what Jesus actually said. In this Scripture, Jesus clearly teaches something about death that most Christians believe to be impossible. And yet Enoch and Elijah, both who lived before the New Covenant, demonstrated the possibilities. This message will stretch your possibilities.
Participating in the Divine Nature: When the religious leaders wanted to stone Jesus for claiming to be God, Jesus makes the startling claim that it is biblical to call his people "gods." This message explains how this truth applies, and how we can live up to this grave responsibility.
Living Like a Good Shepherd: In this iconic scripture, Jesus outlines the characteristics of a true shepherd, presenting a stark contrast with the state of much of spiritual leadership today.
Opening the Eyes of the Blind: The religious leaders' response to the healing of a man born blind reminds us that we can all be blinded by our own presuppositions and opinions. The truth seeker in this story, is the one born blind. Jesus will always meet us when we seek his truth.
"I AM" The Healer: When Jesus claimed to be the pre-existent "I AM," he presented his credentials by healing a man born blind, and by having compassion on one of the least of these, a man that others saw merely as a theological question. We must show our credentials as Children of God in the same types of ways.
Freedom from Death: In one of the most startling dialogues in the book of John, Jesus tells his listeners that being truly free includes victory over physical death. Like Enoch and Elijah, his people will understand this freedom before he returns.
Following Your Father: There is a major difference between believing Jesus, and believing in Jesus. You can believe a set of absolutely correct facts about Jesus, and not be a part of his Kingdom. True faith is a relationship of surrender and love. Many of those gathered around Jesus demonstrated that they only believed Jesus, and served a different father than our heavenly father. Their actions demonstrate that they did not have the true Father's DNA.
The Light Reveals Himself: Jesus is Life, and his Life brings Light to all people. In this scripture, Jesus proclaims that he is Light, and begins to reveal what that Light means for all those who believe in him. His Light brings Life.
Abundant Grace: Rescuing an Adultress — In this familiar passage, Jesus confronts those who cared more about using people to further their agenda, than actually helping the people. As he does, he reminds us of his abundant grace and the life he releases to us through it.
Who Is This Jesus: While the crowds participated in an active debate over Jesus' bloodline and region of birth, the religious leaders demonstrate the inherent danger of being a religious leader—it is easy to miss God because of arrogant pride, or fearful self-protection. Only Nicodemus, a lone light shining among the religious leaders, shows himself to be a lover of truth. This message will help us grow in the truth Nicodemus understood about Jesus.
Dividing Over Messiah: As Jesus reveals more of who he really is, people will respond in a variety of different ways. Yet, for those who get through the offense, there are springs of living water waiting. This message will encourage you to press through even when we do not understand his ways.
Finding Jesus By Doing God's Will: The people of this world hate to admit their true condition. Jesus' light exposed that condition, and those caught in the world hated him for it. Jesus invites those trapped in futility to do the Father's will and find freedom.
When Jesus Is No Longer Convenient: There comes a point in every disciple's life where Jesus is no longer convenient. When that happens, we will either cling to him in desperation like Peter, or become a lukewarm follower of the King like the disciples who turned away in these verses. This message will require a choice. How will you respond?
Eating the Genuine Manna: The crowds were demanding manna on a daily basis from Jesus as a sign that he was a prophet like Moses. Instead, Jesus points out that he is the true bread from heaven, and that when we receive him, death is reversed in all of its facets. This message will challenge you to overcome death in your life.
Winnowing the Crowds: Unlike most of us, Jesus wasn't interested in crowds. He was interested in disciples. When the crowds grew too big, he shared hard truths in order to confront their shallow belief system. This message will help you understand why crowds and disciples don't always mix.
Pursuing Jesus: We have been called to pursue Jesus. However, it is possible to pursue him with wrong motivations, as we see from those who were pursuing him after the feeding of the five thousand. We must pursue him as Lord and sovereign on his terms, not ours.
The Prophet Like Moses: The feeding of the five thousand is recorded by all four gospels, but only John reveals the reaction of the crowd in an in-depth fashion. Follow Jesus as the crowds realize who he is, and attempt to make him do their will anyway. This important message reminds us who Jesus is, and how we may approach him in truth.
Believing Jesus: In this Scripture, Jesus marshals the evidence that he is the Messiah, and exposes the unbelief of the religious leaders of his day. Whether we are religious leaders or not, Jesus' teaching cuts through our excuses and traditions, and forces us to believe as never before.
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