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Messages from the Letters of Paul: Ephesian Series (2017)

Messages from Paul's Letter to the Ephesians. Series from 2017.
Our Most Potent Tools for Life:Paul closes the letter to the Ephesians by highlighting how we activate the spiritual armor our God has given to us. This message highlights the path to victory in God's Kingdom of life and love.
Equipped to Overcome: This message reveals God's plan for the overcoming life. God's people are not helpless victims; they are overcomers who have been given the means to be victorious in life. In this message you will learn key insights into how the spiritual armor works, and how we wield it effectively.
The Battle for Society: As Christians live out their lives as spouses, parents, children, as well as employers and employees, they are involved in a great battle for the society in which they live. The apostle Paul identifies these important issues as intricate parts of our spiritual warfare. Join in the battle by living for Christ.
Reflecting Christ's Relationship with the Church: A Christian marriage is intended to reflect Christ's relationship to the Church. It is a bit of God's manifestation of himself on the earth. How should our marriages look in order to accomplish this? This study will focus on key truths to help us grow in our ability to reflect Jesus to the world.
Growing in Kingdom Wisdom: We must recognize the times in which we live. If we do not, we will not understand the important role we have been called to play revealing Christ's light. This study emphasizes the vital role God's people must play, and how to walk in his wisdom as we fill that role.
Imitating God: The apostle Paul presents a clear contrast between living as dear children of God, or living under the consequences of the fall. Christians have a clear choice; live like those who do not know God, or live above, and experience the Kingdom.
Leaving Darkness Behind II: When Paul calls us to live a life worthy, he specifically mentions areas of darkness in which the unrestrained walk. But all of that is the activity of the morally corrupt "old man." The "new man" gives hope that we can rise above.
Leaving Darkness Behind: When Paul calls us to live a life worthy of Christ, he specifically mentions areas of darkness in which the unrestrained walk. But all of that is the activity of the morally corrupt "old man." The "new man" gives hope that we can rise above moral darkness.
Developing Your Calling: In response for God's amazing mercy and grace, the apostle Paul calls on Christians to live lives worthy of God's grace. His first concern? That each of us respond to God's grace by diligently pursuing our callings. He outlines the importance of this in these verses.
Praying Big Prayers: The apostle Paul prayed some incredible prayers over his fellow believers. He desired that Christians understand the possibilities of God's life in them. It now time for us to step even more fully into these possibilities today.
Revealing the Mysteries: The Apostle Paul was called to reveal some of the mysteries of God to to the people of his age and beyond. As we study those mysteries today, we understand the amazing grace of God, and how it prepares us to fulfill the mysteries of Kingdom life in this generation.
Creating God's Temple: While we often think in terms of Jews and Gentiles, the apostle Paul clearly teaches that Christians—whether they were Jews or Gentiles—are something new that Jesus created. They are a new part of creation, and as a result, need to understand what it means to be built into God's temple.
Becoming God's Poem: We are God's craftsmanship, his poem, as the Greek language suggests. He has engineered our salvation so that we are no longer angry people, but people who have purpose and destiny.
Understanding God Better: We often hear it said that if we only understood better who we are in Christ, things would be different. While that is undoubtedly true, Paul also points out that if we only knew God better, everything would change.
Receiving an Inheritance: Both God and his people are receiving inheritances. In this message, we learn more about God's inheritance, and how it sets the stage for our inheritance, to the praise of his glorious grace.
Praising a Worthy God: At the very beginning of Ephesians, the apostle Paul includes us in some of the mysteries that have been revealed to him. Those mysteries help us understand why our God is worthy of praise. This message will uncover that mystery for you.
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