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Messages from the Letters of Paul: Romans Series (2012)

Message Series from Romans 12 through Romans 16. Preached in 2012.
Building Relationship: The apostle Paul concludes his letter to the Romans on a relational note. As he finishes his great doctrinal letter his emphasis on relationship teaches us about its importance.
Following the Plan: The apostle Paul reveals his mission verse to the Romans. He also reveals his determination to follow it rather than his own desires, an objective each of us can also achieve.
Fulfilling the Mission: Each Christian, each congregation has been given a mission. The apostle Paul explains how the anointing of Christ helps us fulfill our mission.
The Path to Hope: God's plan to release hope and life into his body.
Living in the Body (Christian Freedom): The Apostle Paul helps us navigate the waters of different Christian beliefs while still demonstrating love.
Living the Commitment: What does it mean to love our fellow man? The apostle Paul helps us understand the importance of loving our fellow man as we live as living sacrifices.
Living Under Government: How do living sacrifices live under a secular government? The apostle Paul's answer is as applicable today as when he first penned the words.
Staying on the Altar: Abiding in the World Having reminded Christians how to demonstrate sincere love toward their fellow Christians, he now turns toward living in the world. He helps Christians understand how to live in the world truly loving their neighbors.
Staying on the Altar: Sincere Love The apostle Paul lists nine ways that Christians demonstrate sincere love to one another and the Lord.
A Transformed Church: Paul paints the picture of a transformed church where every member is using his or her gifts, and every member is walking in faith and love. It is a picture of what God is doing in the Church today.
True Worship: Living your life in the best possible way, as a living sacrifice.
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