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Holiday Messages

Christmas 2023: John 1:1-14
The Light is Here: The first fourteen verses in the book of John are a Christmas story. John doesn't recount the details of how Jesus was born into this world. His approach is far different than Matthew or Luke, he looks behind the scenes to what could not be seen with natural eyes. For John, the night Jesus was born was the night that bright light pierced the darkness, and the world would never be the same.
Easter 2023: Opening Minds
Opening Minds: When Jesus rose from the dead, the minds of his disciples were closed to the possibility. In much the same way our minds are closed to many possibilities that our Lord has placed before us. As Jesus opened the minds of his first followers, he still opens our minds today.
New Years 2023: Luke 2:21-40
Minding the Details: As the new year stretches in front of us, this message reminds us to mind the details. If we walk as we have been called, God is able to move in our lives in an incredible way. That is why minding the details is important.
Christmas 2022: Luke 2:1-20
The Light Dawns: With amazing focus, Luke relates the story of the ages. As we recount it, we always learn new perspectives on God's truths. Join us learning about the details of the baby born in Bethlehem over 2000 years ago.
Easter 2022: The Resurrection Cycle
Resurrection Power: Living in the Three Day Resurrection Cycle — Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection set a pattern for his people, showing the way to step into resurrection power. This resurrection message has the power to change your life as you understand his way of power and life even more fully.
Easter 2, 2021: John 21:1-17
Restoring an Errant Disciple: In his third post-resurrection appearance to a group of his disciples, Jesus takes the time to clearly and fully restore Peter to the role Jesus intended him to play in the Church. It is a wonderful scene of the forgiving Savior working with a disciple who needs that forgiveness, and that restoration. It certainly reminds us of how our Savior works with us today.
Easter 2021: Romans (Selected)
Resurrection Power for Today: The message of resurrection is powerful, but it is not just for the future. The power released in the resurrection of Jesus Christ is available today. The book of Romans helps us understand how this power is available to be used today.
Palm Sunday 2021: Revelation 1:10-19
The Son of David Reveals Himself: On the first "Palm" Sunday, Jesus allowed a bit of his glory to be revealed to his followers. But even his most ardent followers could not imagine the glory that their Messiah would have in his glory. John pulls backs the veil and lets us see Jesus in a way that those walked with him could not imagine.
New Years 2020: Isaiah 40:27-31
Dealing with Times of Silence: When God seems distant, and times seem difficult, it is important to review what God says on this topic. It may surprise you how he uses silent times in our lives.
Christmas 2020: Isaiah 7:1-14
A Christmas Promise in the Face of Unbelief: It seems as if faith is hard to come by. How does God deal with a world where true faith is becoming more rare? This wonderful story of God's grace in the face of unbelief helps us understand this very thing.
Pentecost 2020: Acts 2
When the Holy Spirit Moves on His People: When the Holy Spirit moves, he gives us new ways to communicate in our culture. He is certainly moving now, and His people are learning new ways to communicate to the world they live in.
Easter 2020: Mark 16:1-14
Evidence That Demands a Response: The disciples did not acquit themselves well on the morning of the resurrection. They refused to believe all those who came to them with credible reports of resurrection. The evidence demanded a response—but that hasn't changed. The evidence we have of God's intervention in our lives demands a response. Will we give it?
New Years 2019: Mark 11:12-14, 19-26
2020 Faith: Increasing our vision for faith in the New Year.
Christmas 2019: Philippians 2:3-11
The Christ Child's Glory: Why the celebration of a newborn baby? This Christmas message spells out the reason for celebration, and the joy that is ours in the Christ child.
Easter 2019: Matthew 28
Stop Hesitating, Believe! The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead is a clarion call to faith. Doubt and hesitation are banished when we understand what the resurrection means for God's people.
New Years 2018: Isaiah 54:1-6
Preparing to Stretch Your Faith: When the Lord commanded Israel to prepare for expansion and blessing, it appeared as if this were the last thing they needed to do. At the time, it didn't even look like they would survive. This is how God works with faith. He asks us to believe unbelievable things, and to prepare for them to come true.
Christmas 2018: John 1:1-14
The Light Is Here: We celebrate on Christmas because God became one of us. In this scripture, John explains how that changes everything, and how people can now become true children of God.
Easter 2018: John 11:11-27
Resurrection Faith, Life Faith: On Easter/Resurrection Sunday, we pause our normal schedules, and focus on the resurrection. This message focuses on the power that the resurrection has, not only for our future, but for our present.
Christmas 2017: Luke 2:1-20
The Light Dawns:The eyes of faith had long sought the baby born in Bethlehem. He arrived with humility and fanfare, to change everything.
Easter 2017: John 20:1-18
Growing Faith: The activities of that first resurrection Sunday are highlighted by John, even as those involved struggled with believing in the Resurrection. As those first disciples, we must also grow in faith for what God is able to do today.
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