Messages from the Book of Acts

When Your Walk with God is Challenged: There are times in our life that we are challenged by God to follow him more closely, and there are times that those around us challenge our choices. Peter experienced both challenges as he reached out to Gentiles. This account of Peter's defense of his actions helps us understand how to respond to such challenges.
When God Interrupts Your Message: There are times that God draws near, but we are too busy with our program to notice. Peter did not have the opportunity to ignore what God was doing, because God took over his meeting. Peter's response teaches us how we should react when God interrupts our meetings.
Following the God who Doesn’t Discriminate: In a clear statement that God does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnic, or national background, Peter explains how the Lord has expanded his understandings
When God Needs You to Grow Beyond Your Prejudices: The Lord has missions for his church to fulfill, but our own preferences, our own prejudices can slow us down. This teaching reminds us how God works to expand our understanding so that he is able to use us, and let his Kingdom come.
When Crisis Invades Our Space: As we endure a crisis in the nation and the world, Peter's example of responding to crisis encourages us to step into Kingdom whenever we confront any crisis.
How God Develops a Servant: As Saul starts to become the great Apostle Paul, we can learn much about the processes of God in our own lives. As God prepares his servant, we learn how he prepares us.
When the Lord Overrules Our Will: While there are those that say that the the Lord never overrules our decisions, that just is not so. The account of Saul's conversion is clearly a demonstration of his amazing grace in action as he overrules the will of a murderous man, and sets him on a totally different course. This study will help us understand even more how the Lord governs in our lives.
True Spirit-Led Evangelism: When we study the New Testament, we cannot help but be amazed by God's focus on the individual. Jesus took time for individuals, and in this story, Philip is removed from a very successful revival ministry in Samaria, to interact with one individual. The Spirit can lead us to unlikely encounters.
Opening New Frontiers for Christ: As the Greek-Speaking Jewish believers left Jerusalem for surrounding areas, they brought the message of Jesus with them. As they scattered abroad, they spread the message in non-Jewish areas, and encountered success and challenge. When we leave our comfort zones, we encounter the same types of things, and this account can aid us as we adapt to all the situations in which we find ourselves.
When a Seed is Sown: Stephen's pointed witness was rejected by those around him. As he laid down his life for Jesus, Luke makes certain we understand the power released through his death.
When God Moves Today: Like us, it was easier for the leaders of Israel to look back at what God had done, rather than what he was currently doing. It is easier to celebrate the past, than to participate in what God is doing in the present. This message reminds us how to avoid this trap in our own lives.
Receiving Those God Call: As Stephen continues his defense, he highlights how easy it is to reject God's messengers. That is a message God wants us to digest for our times.
Meeting God Where You Are: When Stephen first responds to the charges against him, he reminds his detractors that you can meet God wherever you find yourself, a great reminder for us today.
Avoiding a Church Split: Even while the early Church was growing, there was room for offense. Whenever there is offense, there is opportunity for division. In this study. we will learn how the apostles met a challenge, and brought healing rather than separation.
Taking a Stand II: Peter and John had crossed the line with the Sanhedrin when they continued to preach about Jesus in spite of express orders not to do so. The members of the Sanhedrin were furious, but the Lord used the voice of a beloved leader to calm them, and give the disciples the room they needed to carry on their mission. When we take a stand, the Lord uses the most unlikely sources to help us on our way.
Taking a Stand: Peter and John had been warned, no preaching in Jesus' name. But God kept moving, and they kept preaching. They were learning to take a stand for what they believed. Jesus continually challenges us to do the same thing.
Great Grace and Jonah's Fish: When God is moving with great grace, God's people clearly have more responsibility to respond to his grace by living for him. This message reminds us that it can be very difficult during times of great grace, if we choose not to live for him.
Evangelizing With Boldness and Clarity: After the disciples were told not to evangelize, they ask the Holy Spirit for even more boldness and clarity. As we listen in on their amazing prayer, we also learn to evangelize with boldness and clarity.
Obeying God When It Counts: Peter's failure in the High Priest's courtyard must have weighed heavily on him at certain moments. However, that courtyard scene, and the pressures it brought to bear were nothing compared to standing before the Sanhedrin and being ordered to deny Christ. Peter helps us understand what it means to obey God when it counts.
Witnessing When It Counts: When Peter had the chance to stand up for Jesus on the night Jesus was betrayed, he failed. However, Jesus had sent his Spirit as promised, and Peter was ready for his next major test. As we watch Peter rise to the challenge, we are reminded that our failures are used by God to prepare us for future opportunities.
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