Messages from the Book of Acts

Let Refreshing Come: After Peter and John healed the man born lame, Peter shares to path to refreshing that each of his listeners can take. We can take that same path.
Faith's Power: Peter and John encounter a man born lame, and change his life. As Peter calls his onlookers to faith in Jesus, he invites them to understand the power of faith and what it can accomplish.
When Awe Fills Our Lives: The early church is a clear demonstration of the "awe factor" when God is moving among his people. It changes how we live. If it has been a while since the awe factor has filled your life, this study will remind you the importance of encountering it again.
Leaving Death for Life: As Peter continues to explain the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, he calls his listeners to step from death to life. That call still beckons us today.
The Last Days Begin: While we don't normally think of the last days extending two thousand years, Peter makes it clear that the Pentecost event marks the beginning of the last days. Those of us who live at the close of the last days, appreciate his explanation even as we witness this era drawing to a close.
The Church Empowered: As Jesus promised, he sent the Holy Spirit to his Church. He has empowered his people to impact the world.
Preparing for Power:The disciples knew that power was coming. They also knew they needed to prepare and be in position to take advantage of God's empowerment. In the same way, we can prepare and plan as we await all the promises that God has given to his people.
Luke 24:50 - Acts 1:11
The Son of Man Receives His Welcome: Jesus' coronation, his ascension, is an important part his role as Messiah. Luke reveals the ascension to us so that we might celebrate Jesus' triumphant conclusion to his mission on the earth.
The Church Empowered: From the point that Jesus breathed on his disciples on the day he rose again, the Spirit had indwelt the Church preparing it for power. When the power came fifty days later, everything changed.
Prerequisite for Power: Peter shares a key truth about repentance after he and John healed a man born lame. That truth reveals the power of true repentance, and the importance of living a life in agreement with the Lord.
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