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Messages from the Book of Acts

Taking the Message of the Kingdom to the Ends of the Earth: As Luke brings the Acts of the Apostles to the end, he makes it clear that the words Jesus shared at the very beginning of Acts were being fulfilled. Jesus' apostles were reaching out to the very ends of the earth, and the Word would continue to grow.
When Favor Arrives: Although Jesus had told Paul back in Jerusalem over two years earlier that he would preach in Rome, things had not been easy since then. However, as Paul steps into his prophesied place, favor arrives.
Safe Landings: Even when God has promised safe landings in our life, there are no guarantees that the landing will be smooth. We are reminded of that truth once again as we see God's promises fulfilled in Paul's life.
Paying Attention to the Apostles & Prophets: While it is very apparent that every utterance of those who walk in apostolic and prophetic office is not from the Lord, we certainly should respect those who walk in these offices enough to pay close attention to things they say, even in an off-hand manner. If those who were around Paul had followed this mandate, they would have saved themselves a great deal of trouble.
Leaving the Results to God: While we have been called to faithfully and diligently use the spiritual gifts that God has given us, it is important to note that the results are up to the Holy Spirit. This fact frees us from responsibility for the choices of other people, and helps lift guilt from our own shoulders. We see this truth in action, as Paul clearly leaves the results to God.
The Futility of Resisting God: When Paul recounts his encounter with Jesus, it becomes apparent he has resisted his calling for a long time. The futility of doing this is illustrated in Paul's life, and serves as a reminder to all who resist the call of God on their lives.
Jesus’ Plan Unfolds Part 4: A new governor brings a new threat, and yet Jesus' plan moves forward.
Jesus’ Plan Unfolds Part 3: As Paul begins to move toward Rome, we see the unusual ways that Jesus gets Paul into position.
Jesus’ Plan Unfolds Part 2: As Paul begins to move toward Rome, we see the unusual ways that Jesus gets Paul into position.
Jesus' Plan Unfolds: Jesus has plans for our life. We may believe that other people get in our way, but the truth is that all of Jesus' plans include working through opposition in our lives. Paul finds this out in a very dramatic way.
Take Courage: Things were looking difficult for Paul. The Sanhedrin was bent on bringing charges against him. Even though Paul was under Roman protection, a successful charge against him in the Sanhedrin would end that protection. Paul certainly had to be concerned about his mission. Encouragement to stay the course suddenly comes from a most unlikely source, and reminds us that God is not hindered in his ability to bring encouragement into our lives.
God's Provision for His Plan: God always plays the long game. There are many times in our lives where his provision for us, many times provided for even before our birth, becomes evident. This section of Acts reminds us of just this fact, and will help us thank God even more that he provisions that which he plans.
Paul's Defense Part 1: There are times that God's people need to make a clear statement of what God has accomplished in their lives. Paul did exactly that as he was facing arrest and persecution. This message is a primer for the importance of grace in all our endeavors.
Surviving the Rough Waters: We live in a fallen world, and in this world there are times that things can be difficult. This message reminds us about how to handle those times.
Learning the Nuances of Prophetic Response: Must we obey every message that the Lord gives prophetically? Must prophetic people be absolutely accurate in their prophetic insights? These are among the questions answered in this study of Paul's interaction with prophetic people.
God Protects His Flock: Paul's message to the Ephesian elders is clear, God is deeply involved with his people, and he is interested in protecting them. This is a timely message for believers today.
Following Christ No Matter the Cost: There are times and seasons where following Christ is more difficult than other times, and even more dangerous. The apostle Paul knew this, and teaches us about true commitment to Christ.
The Word Continues to Grow: No matter the setback, no matter the problem, the Word of our Lord will always overcome, it will always continue to grow. This chapter in Paul's life demonstrates that, and encourages to continue to walk forward with all our strength.
Responding When the Culture Pushes Back: There are times that God's people will face levels of resistance. While we must make certain that we are as winsome as possible, there will be times that those around us do not appreciate the impact of our message. In this story of such a time in Paul's life, we learn how God can cover his people when this happens.
The Word Continues to Grow: As the Holy Spirit uses Paul in Ephesus in incredible ways, there are those who don't understand. There always will be, even today. But God's Word will still grow in strength and power, and this story shows.
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